September 4, 2021

CONTACT Aaron Johnson aaron@narrative-project.com 662.347.1181
ConnCAT, ConnCORP Hosts Block Party for residents of the Dixwell Community this Saturday, showing appreciation for the continued support throughout the year
New Haven, CT - The Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology (ConnCAT) and Connecticut Community Outreach Revitalization Program (ConnCORP) will host the “Thank You Dixwell Community” Block Party set for Saturday, Sept. 4 from noon to 4 p.m. in the parking lot behind Dixwell Plaza. “The truth is we wouldn’t have gotten this far without the faith this community put in us,” said Erik Clemons, Executive Chairman of ConnCORP. “As we continue to successfully forge our way towards our ultimate goal, it is incredibly important to always bear witness and give thanks to the many Dixwell community residents and institutions who have been unwavering in their support, encouragement, counsel, and authenticity. In the end, ConnCAT Place on Dixwell will be a salient manifestation of our collective work, responsibilities, dreams, and hopes for our community.” This event is free and will include food, drinks, and live music. The party follows the opening of the state-of-the-art ConnCAT Place Project, constructed to restore and revitalize the legacy of Black excellence in the Dixwell corridor. Along with Mayor Justin Elicker, Alders Steve Winter and Jeanette Morrison will also be in attendance for the party. The event will be held rain or shine. Monterey Chicken, of the ConnCAT Orchid Cafe, will also be providing food during the day for those in attendance. “This is our way of saying thank you to all of our Dixwell neighbors and to emphasize our commitment to see this community prioritized and rejuvenated,” said Genevive Walker, Chief Executive Officer of ConnCAT. "This is our chance to give back to this community in a major way that has already given so much to us in this short time. As we design programming for ConnCAT Place on Dixwell, our belief in and hope for the people in this community is sky high.”
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The Connecticut Center for Arts and Technology (ConnCAT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit post-secondary career training institution. The center was established in 2011 as a means to make training opportunities available to all people regardless of race, religion, ancestry or national origin. ConnCAT provides job-training programs intended to give unemployed and under-employed adults the skills needed to secure meaningful, well-paying jobs in the health sciences and culinary professions. ConnCAT provides adults with the academic support needed to succeed in the programs. Career preparation is linked with the hospitality industry and corporate partners who assist in the design of the training. Learn more at ConnCAT.org ConnCORP seeks to drive economic development in the Dixwell and Newhallville sections of New Haven by investing in local commercial and residential real estate. The objective is to deliver well-planned multi-use real estate investment, which can help stabilize the local economy, provide affordable goods and services, and create local jobs. Learn more at Conncorp.org.